Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Me Vs. Jillian Michaels

The battle starts tomorrow after work... LOL
 So I just bought the 30 Day Shred DVD and I'm half looking forward to it and half terrified she might kill me. I tried to do that DVD back in January of last year when I attempted a new years resolution to lose weight. I was 25-30 pounds heavier than I am now, couldn't walk up steps without getting winded, and had no muscle tone AT ALL. 
Fast foward to today, where I just did 55 minutes on level 8 hills on the elliptical and actually felt great aftewards. I think I'm ready for you, Jillian! I have 30 pounds less weight to lug around when she makes me do jumping jacks or push ups. I have muscles to the point where I can do 12 pushups without putting my body down (!!!!). And I'm actually adding this to an existing workout routine. I'm gonna do my EA Sports Active 6 Week Challenge workout first. They usually last 15-20 minutes and I burn 100-150 calories depending on the intensity that day. This 25 minutes should be a great addition and really push me. After 3 months of a healthier lifestyle, my body is starting to get used to what I"m doing and I'm trying to avoid a plateau. Hopefully this helps... we'll see if I feel the same way after the workout tomorrow. I'll report back...

Also, for anyone interested, I"m a Bzz Agent and we're having a campaign for Boston Market holiday catering. Check it out!

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