Spring cleaning doesn't just mean getting all the clothes I don't wear out of my closet. Which I happened to spend yesterday afternoon doing. All the XL size shirts, gone. All the poofy dressy tops that were meant to hide my stomach, gone. The size 14 shorts from last summer, gone. I spared a few items that looked good with a belt around the smallest part of my waist (that's in style, right?). I added some nice new spring clothes from a shopping binge in Banana Republic and the Banana outlet store... new tshirts, new work shirts, a new sun dress, new cardigan. All size SMALL (with a medium thrown in for a fitted shirt). Out with the fat, in with the thin, right?
And then there's some mental Spring Cleaning that I need to do. I'll be the first to admit it, I've gotten lazy and complacent. I've done exactly enough in the last 2 months to maintain my weight without really pushing myself for anything more. The drive has fizzled a bit. I'm in winter hibernation. Call it what you wish, I'm slacking.
But now that I have my inhaler, the Georgetown Cupcake temptation is mostly gone (I froze the remaining 3 cupcakes as a special treat), and the weather is improving, I'm getting my butt in gear again.
1. NO MORE JUNK FOOD!!! I'm all for treats, I couldn't do this all without the occassional treat. That being said, the key word is OCCASSIONAL! Not daily, not huge meals followed by dessert followed by a massive brunch (that was this past weekend...). OCCASIONAL. Like my cupcakes, I'm gonna have to earn them, no more eating 2 in a day when I didn't work out at all.
2. No more skipping workouts, especially on weekends. I've been averaging 2 days at the gym a week. New mission, I'm going 4 out of the 5 weekdays (or at least working out 4 days) and then working out once during the weekend (Sat/Sun). My body isn't gonna want to change if I'm doing the bare minimum.
3. Take up running. Today is gonna be my baseline test to see what I can do with the inhaler. I'm starting with how quickly I can do a 5K. Walk, run, intervals, whatever it takes to get to 5K. As long as I don't have to kill someone at the gym for a treadmill... hopefully people are lazy today. Once it's nice out, I'm gonna try running outside again. The inhaler should make a big difference there.
4. Stop having a lazy attitude about eating healthy. Yes, it's easier to microwave some crap for dinner. Yes it's cheaper. But is it healthier? NO. I need more fresh fish from Safeway, better (less carb-tastic) veggies, and some cooking skills. It's not impossible, it'll just take some effort. Damn, that reminds me I forgot to take the chicken breast out to defrost... looks like it's crab cakes tonight! Or a quick Trader Joe's run on the way home from the gym.
If you haven't noticed with my blogs, I like to-do lists. So hopefully writing all this down keeps me accountable for getting things going again. My goal was to get to 140 by Memorial Day. I have two new bikinis from Victoria Secret to remind me to get my butt moving so I hit that goal. It's not impossible, it's only 10 lbs and 3 months to do it, under a pound a week. I think once the scale starts to move again, it won't be impossible.